Monday, January 25, 2010

How Many Movies In Apple Tv Can I Watch Netflix Movies On An Apple Tv?

Can I watch Netflix movies on an apple tv? - how many movies in apple tv

I think that buying an Apple TV, but I'm already subscribed Netflix. Can movies from Netflix on my Apple TV?


link said...

The options are not a $ 99 Roku box, the TiVo HD, a pair of Blu-Ray and Xbox 360

You can also use your PC to your TV and lead the viewer from Netflix. A little complicated, but it works.

link said...

The options are not a $ 99 Roku box, the TiVo HD, a pair of Blu-Ray and Xbox 360

You can also use your PC to your TV and lead the viewer from Netflix. A little complicated, but it works.

Brandon L said...

Unfortunately, no! only on a PC, for now

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