Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hooters Airline Have You Ever Had A Great Invention That You Came Up With Stolen By Another Person Or Company?

Have you ever had a great invention that you came up with stolen by another person or company? - hooters airline

Just curious, what might take to get you, and we think you "WOW" what an original idea. Then have him appear on television or in the news or heard anything.

A few years ago I was sitting in a neighborhood grill and bar with a friend to throw a few new shots and I to talk to an airline of Hooters. It was no more than a few months after I had said in public "was born Hooters Airline. I could not believe it. My friend even called me to tell that tore my idea." Such a thing happen?


Speedy said...

Yes, it was an idea of the toy. I was very young at the time (about 8), and wrote in a company safe toys. She sent me back a nice letter saying he could not accept the ideas of outsiders, bla bla bla. A year later, she went with what I proposed.

reasons said...


Cümülon the Wind Dragon said...

No, I think my ideas with my life. I write, I have them in a secret hiding place that no one could imagine.

st.uncum... said...

They had written and other intellectual property stolen.

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