Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Countries Average Bmi Tyra Banks - Too Big For You, Or Just Right?

Tyra Banks - Too big for you, or just right? - countries average bmi

Tyra Banks is 5'10 is "the weight at 161 pounds is a reported BMI of 22.5 - not overweight. At the peak age / weight tables, depending on their structure, could weigh in Anywhere 140 - 171 lbs.

It is not exactly thin in these pictures, but are certainly not overweight or fat words I would use to describe them. ... ... ... ...

What do you think? Tyra Banks join us average Americans, and another fat in the crowd, who inhabit the land, or ridiculous and unrealistic standards for our famous? I personally think it looks likes good. ...


missdais... said...

Ok. Do you have the Tyra Show episode where everyone wears them and the red jersey with his whole weight on the front. She looked fabulous ... no air brushing or concealment of defects .. just a ploy to soften skin. Unfortunately, we have unrealistic standards, not only for our stars, but for us. People are never what they have satisfied .. me too .. and you still want to lose an extra 5 pounds.
Sad reality.

The_Lord... said...

It appears on the right, beautiful, sexy and hot all at once. There is nothing wrong with her, she always has a perfect body, I

sophie. said...

I think it goes well.
I mean, not as thin as she works for Victoria Secret, but it is not loose or sloppy. it is normal. This is good to see today. It is a big girl and you need a little meat on the bones. People just assume that their weight is too high, because most of the celebrities and models in the United States, incredibly, more than 115 compared. so its nice to see someone who actually eats.

Pinyon said...

Tyra is not stupid by any stretch of the imagination. She knows exactly what he does. It is always very sexy, looks great, and he knows it! Way to go, Tyra!

stephbab... said...

looks great.
not too thick or too thin.
I think we all have very high standards for celebrities.
Arent they all anorexics. theyre fat for us.

aurora e said...

she'aa badass i love tyra
I agree with yoou
It looks good

lion_sim... said...

I think it's fantastic! She is not overweight, and is even smaller than many Americans. Go Tyra!

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