Friday, December 18, 2009

Ambico 54 In. Camera Tripod Camera Question...?

Camera Question...? - ambico 54 in. camera tripod

, OK I am a man, so I am on a budget just over $ 100 - $ 230 U.S. dollars, please note this before calling some expensive high-tech camera'm ...

But anyway, I'm looking for a digital camera with these features:
# 1 Recorded on a memory card formats. Avi
# 2 A relatively large digital display
# 3 Use the XD-card
# 4 Zoom

It would also be good if it is with 54-inch Ambico tri-pod compatible, since this way I do not buy a new ... but not a necessity. In addition, if a video camera has all these qualities, it would be nice.

So, if you know any cameras, digital video cameras (or) that meet these requirements, I need, it would be great. Links to the official website, or if the information would also be good.

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